Mott Hall V Home

Keep Shining & Absolutely…No Excuses
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Our Mission


Mott Hall V is dedicated to providing a nurturing, equitable and rigorous education emphasizing Mathematics, Science and Technology that will guide 6th through 12th graders to higher educational opportunities and lifelong success.


Creating classrooms where students will collaboratively engage in stimulating tasks, generate and solve thought-provoking questions and challenge peers' responses while tracking and monitoring personal growth and skill development.

Recent News

Parent teacher conference

A parent-teacher conference (PTC) is a short meeting between you and your child’s teacher to talk about your child’s academic performance and experience at school.


Tomorrow is Mott Hall V's Open House at 5:00 pm.

A Message from the school Chancellor Melissa Aviles-Ramos

Dear New York City Public Schools Community,
As a public school system, I believe we have a set of core responsibilities to our students and
families. We must, first and foremost, keep students safe. We must also prepare them to become
leaders of the next generation. For these reasons, a presidential election represents an especially
important moment in our school communities.

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